A Mother's Perspective

25 May 2020

Amidst the wildling whispers of a child’s wondering mind, we find lockdown from a mother’s perspective. Two boys, brothers, caught in the act of innocence as photographer and mother Chieska Fortune Smith opens the door and invites you into their world.

The journey from bedroom to lounge to garden is a treacherous one. Filled with its own obstacles and distractions to challenge two tiny pairs of feet. Early birds rise at dawn and stairs are leapt, three at a time, as these boys run head-first into their morning. Stage one is complete.

Next: an expanse of stone stretches as far as the eye can see, posing new possibilities. Could it be a skating rink - the thin veil of ice that tops a frozen lake? Is it a racetrack - that which on rainier days would bear the skids of kids in socks, sliding and slipping towards an unknown finish line? Today it is a passageway. A marble wasteland that must be passed to get from point A to B. The route seems straight forward. They plan their pit stops and look to the stars for guidance. But mother knows best, didn’t anyone tell you? The elders once warned of a bleached, barren desert: square miles laden with tricks to trip two eager young minds. A snake lies coiled in the corner whilst shadow puppets beckon the explorers to join in the parade. Comrades in voyage and brothers in arms, these are the first of many special missions that they must face alone and only together.

Out in the open, an oasis lies in store. A Garden of Eden for restless feet to return to when life’s lessons become too much for one conscience to learn in one sitting. In coming days, the boys will return to school – a new normal to be found and new steam to be released. The world keeps on turning, whether we like it or not, and with it comes new hope and promise of adventure for Chieska’s boys.

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