Photography Klara Waldberg
Fashion Freya Monro Morrison
Words Starlight
Grooming Nadia Altinbas
Styling Assistant Eleanor Lott
Talent Harry Kirton at 777 Casting Management
Sunlight seeps through blue skies meeting tall golden grass and grazing the painted red freckles and twisting curls of Peaky Blinders star Harry Kirton. Piercing eyes steal glances at the lens of the camera, capturing the playfulness of Harry, framed by the gentle caress of nature. The tall grass bends for his unapologetic confidence and discreet grace residing in comfortable bones.
It is clear that Harry is no stranger to the lens, his presence capturing the viewer as pale skin painted in shades of cosy brown and white soaks in bright sunlight, creating an ambience of clarity and peace. A light breeze penetrates the serenity of deep silence, rustling the amber meadow in waves, guiding the actor to traverse through the grassland. Colours seep into Harry's attire as he trades soft threads for a long golden coat, the tail dancing as he seeks the warmth of the sun.
The light reaches to meet smooth speckled skin, creating a stark contrast against the painted blue sky as colourful eyes admire and search a distant point not quite captured. The untravelled path of grass steals the attention away briefly in a careful balancing act, our wandering actor now dressed in thick amber stripes, as he makes his way through the yellow pasture towards the protective shade generously bestowed by a quiet grove as Klara Waldberg follows closely behind.
Now sharply dressed in a crisp button up and loose vest, accented against the mosaic of green and flaxen, Harry's thoughtful eyes reach upward as rich sunlight steadily dips between long branches. Reflecting on smooth leaves and catching the tips of reddish brown curls, Harry’s surroundings here are softer and brighter than the Birmingham streets he usually roams on among the set of Peaky Blinders. As Klara steps back to capture the moment, he peers through the embrace of nature and finds his place within the untamed grasslands one last time, before returning to the faster pace that most of us live in.